
Norrköpings stadsmuseum

Norrköpings stadsmuseum
Västgötegatan 19-21
60221 Norrköping

Contact Person
Anette Kindahl


Norrköpings stadsmuseum is a historical museum run by the municipal of Norrköping (130 000 inhabitants situated on the east costa of Sweden) with 18 employees. The main purpose of the museum is to tell the story of Norrköping, concentrating on the city’s past as a center for textile manufacturing, but the museum also works currently with today’s issues and has professional experiences in social anthropology and ethnology as well as extensive collections and a photo archive. The pedagogical department works with traditional pedagogical programmes for adults including guided tours and walks as well as lectures but also more visitor oriented programmes to involve personal stories of our visitors within the society´s history. The museum has used methods developed both in LLP programmes over the years as well as local pedagogical programmes focused in creating self esteem and awareness for the target group.

The museum has long experience working with groups of unemployed people and immigrants strengthen their awareness of being part of the society by giving them knowledge about the past and a platform in the present. The museum will give expertise in the social role of work both today and historical, identity building and the use of cultural institution for disadvantaged people as a way into the society.


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